Saturday, July 28, 2018

It started from a random talks, finally on early June, 5 of us hiked Mount Gede. We planned it easily because Mount Gede located pretty near from Jakarta and has an easy access. Actually I’ve been there however I kinda miss mountain and our route now will be different from my last Mount Gede’s journey. The location of this mountain itself is between three cities, Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi. This time I will hiked from Cibodas Route. There are 3 routes to go to Gede’s Summit, Cibodas route, Gunung Putri route and Salabintana route. I went up from Cibodas and went down from Gunung Putri.

For your information, Mount Gede is within the scope of Gede Pangrango National Park with 2.958 mdpl high. It also has many attractions like Telaga Biru, Air Terjun Cibereum and hot springs area. For those who doesn’t want to camp, you can visit all of that tourist spots. Nature will help you relax from our daily routine. This journey took 2 days and 1 night, started from Cibodas. These are the highlight route : Cibodas – Telaga Biru – Kandang Badak – Summit – Alun2 Suryakencana – Gunung Putri.

I went to hike Mount Gede on Friday and Saturday. On Thursday night, we started from office at Jakarta with a chartered car. Before we went to Cibodas, we had to take some camping things like tent, fly sheet and nesting at Depok. We didn’t use porters services so we had to bring all the equipments by ourselves. We also bought our foods, bread biscuits and popmie. It was really not recommended at all. Please bring some high calories foods if you want to go hike and camp at the mountain. Don’t follow us or you will be starving. I arrived at Cibodas entrance at 2 am. No sleep at all. We planned to start hiking at 5 am, therefore we ate fried rice for breakfast at 4 am. I don’t know but that fried rice was a bomb!

Last point before we started our hike, check our own bags. What you have to bring to hike a mountain? You have to bring your sleeping bag, jacket or wind breaker, socks, and hiking shoes. Please please check your hiking shoes condition. It already happened to me many times. My shoe soles were off just after I started to hike. It was really embarassing HAHA. Remind me of my Mount Batur’s journey few years ago. So please check it before you go. Then, about logistic. Don’t just bring biscuits or instant noodles. If you can bring any high calories food, it is better than starving in the mountain. Water is also important. There are some “dry” mountain, that means no source of water at all. So you have to bring many of water. By any chance, Mount Gede has a lot of water sources and it is a bless for us!

At 4.45 am, we started to go up. It was dark and absolutely really colddddd. It was freezingggg. I used headlamp for my light source, way more easier than flashlight. Our first destination was Telaga Biru,  a lake with blue colour because of the blue algae. Located 1,5 km from the entrance point. Don’t hope for an easy roads, it is going up all the way to Telaga Biru with rocks and roots that shaped like a natural stairs. We took photos and rested for a bit while enjoying Telaga Biru’s view.

So now, our next stop was Rawa Denok. Usually, hikers really love to take photos here. It really nice here, don’t miss it. Take many photos for your documentation J Actually before Rawa Denok, there is an intersection that will lead us to Cibereum waterfall. Unfortunately, we didn’t go there, maybe next time. Rawa Denok’s road was made from concrete so it easier for us to walk. However, some parts are broken so becareful. Take as many photos as you can because after this, it will be a hard trail road J

It went up all the way, continued to our next stop, hot spring post. It took us about 3 hours until we arrived at that post. Rocky road that not as tidy as before. We already took off our jacket because of the higher temperature. We walked as bees following around. I don’t know why the bees always following at the mountain. It was a long walk from Rawa Denok. When I heard the sound of water, I was really happy. It means hot springs short after this. We had to go across the hot water, so becareful because it is a bit slippery. There is a rope for you to hold but keep focus because it was a little difficult to see.

At this point, we could rest for a bit longer. Relax and enjoy yourself by soaking your feet to the hot water. From here, we continued our walk to Kandang Batu. It is not too far. Usually people camp here to because this place is huge. However, people love to camp at Kandang Badak more because it is near with the water source. Kandang Badak is the last post before we go to the summit. It can contain dozens of tents here. Ideally, we camp here first before we go summit attack at dawn. But, we had other plan that really went wrong LOL. We planned to go straightly to the summit and camp at Alun-alun Suryakencana.

Hot Springs Water

We rested for a while at Kandang Badak. It was approximately 2 pm, we also refilled our water and ate some biscuits. If you are a professional hikers maybe it will take about 2 hours to the summit. However, for me it took more than that. The trail contains of rocks and large roots. No bonus road. After a while, there are 2 intersections. One will bring us going around and one will bring us to “ghost climb”. It called “ghost climb” because the climb is really steep. You have to hold the ropes. You can say it is semi rock climbing. After that steep climb, we thought it nearly summit already. The top if the trees were already seen. But it was not as we thought as will be. It was nearly dark and impossible to continue our walk. So we decided to find some area to camp, althought a little slope.

That night, we literally just ate Pop Mie and going to sleep. At dawn, many people went up to the summit. Actually, we are not allow to camp at summit route. Around 6 am in the morning, we woke up, ate some breads and went up to the summit. After a while, we arrived at “Tanjakan Rante”. It means the summit is near! The trail is made of rocks and sands. It safe enough because they put a rope along side the route. Sun rose already. And finally! We got to the top at 9 or 10 am. We were really near with the cloud, it was really beautiful. Just take a look at the photos. We also borrowed a flag with other hiker to take photos.

We got to the TOP!

 We took so many photos at the top and we had to go down to Alun-alun Suryakencana. It took about 1 hour to Alun-alun from the summit. If you are professional hiker maybe you just need 15 – 30 minutes. Alun-alun Suryakencana is heaven-like savannah, it huge and has many water sources. Many hikers open up their tent here. You also can see the eternal flowers, Edelweiss. Please do not pick it up. We refilled our water and started to walk again towards Gunung Putri routes. We need approximately 4 – 5 hours to go down.

Alun-alun Suryakencana

Edelweiss, Eternal Flower

 The trail is not really different, huge roots lie in the way down. You have to be really focus when going down. Around 5 pm, there were a glimmer of hope. Less trees and nearly arrived at the last post. Houses of people were seen. And not long after that, we reached down. So happy that our legs felt like jelly :D Because we went down on the different route, we had to chartered a public car to go to Cibodas entrance.

And thats all my story from Mount Gede J It really worth to visit if you want to enjoy nature and going away a little bit from city life.

Cheers :D

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